• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Representatives of religious faiths are called upon to intervene in the judicial sector


Mar 14, 2024

BUJUMBURA March 14th (ABP) – The Senate President, Emmanuel Sinzohagera held on Tuesday March 12, 2024, a meeting for representatives of religious faiths and the judicial sector, to discuss the strengthening of justice, under the theme: “The role of churches in strengthening justice in Burundi”.

Concerned by problems observed in the justice sector, Mr. Sinzohagera called on religious denominations to increase preaching relating to corruption in order to combat it and apply the decisions taken by the courts. What is sad, he added, is that the judges who commit injustice are followers of different religions. It is in that perspective that the Burundian Senate wanted to meet with leaders of religious faiths and those who work in the justice sector to discuss together how to help the judicial sector carry out its task well.

Mr. Sinzohagera indicated that it is shameful to see the grievances of the population channelled to the President of the Republic when religious leaders could help in compliance with the law. He asked those religious leaders to advise Christians to serve as role models in society.

                                                                                            View of the participants

During the discussions, the participants made recommendations to the State to promote development and economic growth projects that could generate employment and the well-being of the population. They also called for the establishment of a legal framework that promotes fair justice for all, especially the review of the salary policy applicable to civil servants in the field of justice.

In the Senate, they recommended organizing such meetings in all corners of the country to encourage representatives of religious faiths to make their contribution so that the population can change their mentality and work in line with the vision of an emerging Burundi in 2040 and developed in 2060.

At the Ministry of Justice, participants expressed the wish to eradicate corruption which causes unjust judgments. They also suggested providing employment to competent people in order to reduce or even eradicate the judicial errors that are noticed, and to educate magistrates to render judgments on time as well as their implementation.

The participants, for their part, agreed to serve the entire population without any distinction, to approach and train their followers by providing them with advice on strengthening justice in their surroundings, without forgetting to pray for a change going in the sense of applying fair justice.

They further indicated to sensitize believers in the area of justice that God does not approve of offerings that derive from corruption while returning to the commandments of God, since it is noticed that some seem to have put them in the trash, they concluded.