• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Prime Minister calls on Christians to be active in development


Mar 12, 2024

CIBITOKE March 12th (ABP) – The Burundian Prime Minister, Gervais Ndirakobuca, together with the secretary general of the CNDD-FDD party, Réverien Ndikuriyo, participated, Sunday March 10, 2024, in a fundraising mass, for the construction of a new church in the Christ Roi parish of Cibitoke, whose work is reaching the roof level.

In his homily, the Parish Priest of Cibitoke, Elie Bucumi spoke of the promised land which is Burundi, and of the first duty of every Christian, to love his country, its leaders and its creator. He indicated that every Christian in his parish should take on the project of building a new church. That infrastructure has a value of nearly one hundred million Burundian francs.

On that occasion, Prime Minister Ndirakobuca thanked the faithful of that parish, who regularly contribute to that infrastructure of God. For his part and that of others that he was able to channel around that project, he contributed to the purchase of 330 sheets worth forty million BIF, twenty million were paid that day, while the rest will be paid shortly into the account of the said parish.

He encouraged Christians to be active in development and called on them to safeguard peace and security, especially at the borders with neighboring countries, because without security nothing can be undertaken. He converged on the priest’s words, to urge the people to patriotism, to pray for the country and its leaders. Inviting them to subscribe to the vision of the Republic, to participate in the construction of new churches.

He insisted that Burundians must work to develop their country in order to help other nations.

As for the CNDD-FDD party secretary general, he followed in the footsteps of the Prime Minister and promised to buy the remaining 487 sheets of metal, in addition to 250 bags of cement that his party has already granted for that infrastructure.