• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The provincial governor calls on the people to avoid laziness to achieve the vision of Burundi emerging in 2040 and developed in 2060


Mar 2, 2024

MURAMVYA March 2nd (ABP) – In his descents organized on Monday February 26 in the zones of Ryarusera and Bugarama, the governor of Muramvya province (central-west Burundi), Mr. Euphrèm Ndikumasabo, explained the vision of emerging Burundi in 2040 and developed in 2060, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

Mr. Ndikumasabo indicated that the government’s desire is for all Burundians to have access to a balanced life through food self-sufficiency, the ability to seek treatment in the event of illness, good schooling for children and the possibility for all to lead a better life in 2060 in a developed country. He called on the general population to change their mentality by avoiding laziness on the one hand and, on the other hand, to practice modern agri-livestock farming. He urged the same population to respond to the policy linked to the cultivation of avocado trees and maracujas, without forgetting that of export crops as well as the breeding of rabbits which are currently highlighted in the national policy to support development of the country, insisted Governor Ndikumasabo.

Among the major concerns of the population of Ryarusera and Bugarama are the discontent of people who say that their trials have not been able to meet the satisfaction of the plaintiff at the level of the courts or of local notables. Others noted the lack of line to have electricity and drinking water, the insufficiency of classrooms at ECOFO Mugomere, as well as unmaintained community roads, etc.

Reacting to the population’s grievances, the governor of Muramvya asked officials from different sectors to use their skills to regain the trust of those who grumble. The maintenance of community roads, construction of necessary public infrastructure such as classrooms, planting of trees, tracing and cleaning of contour lines for environmental protection are among Governor Ndikumasabo’s recommendations for s ensure smooth progress towards an emerging country in 2040 and a developed country in 2060.

He invited parents and educators to redouble their efforts to significantly reduce cases of school dropouts and unwanted pregnancies in schools, but also to limit births.