• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Raising awareness among Burundian opinion leaders on the 2040-2060 vision


Feb 27, 2024

GITEGA February 27th (ABP) – The Belgian-Burundi Synergy for Development “BEL-Burundi” and the non-governmental organization Burundi an Women for peace and development “BWPD”, in collaboration with the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) organized in Gitega (central Burundi) a national conference of Burundian opinion leaders on peaceful cohabitation, consideration of peace for an inclusive democracy and the economic development of Burundi, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

The Minister in charge of the Interior, Mr. Martin Niteretse, the former President of Burundi Domitien Ndayizeye, the Archbishop of Gitega Mgr Bonaventure Nahimana, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, officials’ political parties approved in Burundi and others.

In his opening speech, Minister Niteretse indicated that the participation of those different executives in that forum is a clear sign of their desire to be alongside the government to engage all Burundians in the collective march towards the realization of the new vision of a Burundi emerging in 2040 and developed by 2060. He pointed out that that first forum of opinion leaders has specific objectives which aim to establish a framework of deep and objective analysis between opinion leaders to ensure good stability and well-reasoned development for the country; to formulate strategies to unite the population around the common vision of a peaceful and developed country, to inventory and prioritize the challenges to achieve the vision of a Burundi emerging in 2040 and developed in 2060, to establish a road map for a favourable environment for the elections of 2025 and 2027, and to establish a functional monitoring framework for the results of the conference.

According to Minister Niteretse, that conference was beneficial for everyone, starting with the socio-political actors engaged in one way or another in the multifaceted development of the country at the head of which is the government, hence that the latter, according to him, hopes to obtain useful contributions for the preparation of the next elections and the realization of the new 2040-2060 vision for Burundi.

The participants in that first conference recommended that there be the safeguarding of the truth in the expression of opinions, the sharing of debates on the principles of management of the country and its effective management, the critical reading of the different texts organizing the elections. They also asked the organizers of that conference to operate the monitoring-evaluation committee of the results of the conference to be set up, sector by sector if necessary; to organize other sessions as soon as possible to deepen the 2040-2060 vision; to organize debates on social cohesion, responsible leadership, the quality of political leadership, the new order of governance in Burundi and the economic growth model in Burundi; to involve economic operators, actors involved in development and teachers in future conferences.

The participants in that conference also recommended that Burundian citizens personally change their mentalities, promote national identity and responsible citizenship to better serve the country at all times and in all places, and put being Burundian before any other supporter. , to determine personally and collectively to change mentalities in the way of conceiving how to manage the State and to focus not on the unfortunate events that the country has experienced but rather on the occasional opportunities for a bright future in the country.

They further recommended them to commit to coming together as citizens of the same country, to put skills before activism in the management of the State, to promote rational management of time particularly in the exercise of their functions, to develop empathy to guarantee peaceful coexistence, to organize properly as a party or coalition of parties to be able to participate well in elections, etc.

Note that the former President of Burundi, Mr. Domitien Ndayizeye, on behalf of the participants, thanked the organizers of that conference for bringing them together to make their contribution to the development of the country.

Note that the Minister in charge of the Interior suggested that that type of conference be organized every month instead of once in three months if resources allow.