• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

BUJUMBURA February 27th (ABP) – The Burundi Head of State, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye, accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Angéline Ndayishimiye, took part on Saturday February 24, in Namibia, in the funeral of Mr. Hage G. Geingob, former president of Namibia, died on February 4.

According to a note released by the Office in charge of Communication at the Presidency of the Republic of Burundi, the President of the Republic of Burundi, during those ceremonies which took place at the Independence Stadium, sent a message to the Namibian people. He, on behalf of the government and people of Burundi, reiterated his condolences and sympathy to the president, the government and the people of Namibia, and more particularly to the former first lady Monica Geingob and the family of the late president.

President Ndayishimiye paid tribute to the late president, “icon of the fight for liberation, a true pan-Africanist, a champion of democracy, freedom, equal human rights and reconciliation, an inspiration for all of Africa.”

While praying for the eternal rest of the deceased president, the Burundian president reassured the Namibian people of the support of the government and the people of Burundi during those difficult times. He also promised to accompany, through prayer, the bereaved Namibian people, especially since Namibia is a brother and friendly country with which Burundi has maintained diplomatic relations since 1990, we learn from the same note.

Before his return to Burundi, on Sunday February 25, the President of the Republic met his presidential counterparts, respectively of South Africa, the DRC and Malawi, indicates the same source.

According to the communications office, those personalities, on the one hand, discussed issues of common interest for the well-being of their respective countries and people. On the other hand, they spoke of the security situation which prevails in the DRC, especially since their countries are all troop contributors to support the DRC in regaining its peace.