• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Minister in charge of the Interior recommends the availability of maize seed storage sheds


Feb 19, 2024

BUJUMBURA, February 19th (ABP) – The Minister of the Interior, Public Security and Community Development, Mr. Martin Niteretse, held a meeting on Thursday, February 15, 2024, in Bujumbura, bringing together provincial governors, regional police commissioners and ANAGESSA officials to discuss the availability of maize seed storage sheds.

A maize seed collection campaign is planned for Monday February 19, 2024 throughout the country, said Minister Niteretse, who recommended to the various authorities to make sheds available and to get involved in the proper conservation of dry maize seeds in sheds to avoid any deterioration. He demanded the rental of hangars where there are none, so that each citizen can sell their product close to home. A receipt certifying the quantity of the product sold will be reserved for them.

The price of maize seeds set by the State is BIF 1700 per kg, recalled the minister in charge of Community Development. He asked security officials to ensure compliance with the said price. “We must be vigilant and monitor well so that no one buys this product at BIF 800 per kg as we have already seen it.”, he insisted. He also made it known that the State program is to support the farmer and not the importer. The State also has the mission of helping the producer to have a remunerative price, he highlighted.

For his part, the Director General of ANAGESSA, Mr. Joseph Nduwimana, raised the challenges that this Authority encountered during two seasons. Some people did not have enough harvest to bring to those sheds, while others faced the problem of travel due to the fact that they had to go to another commune to conserve the maize seeds, he said.

Since hangars will now be available in administrative zones, Mr. Nduwimana pleaded for frank collaboration with all those responsible.

During the discussions, participants agreed to double their efforts to ensure that the seeds are well preserved.