• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Analysis of the final audit reports on the management of the “single common fund for response to Covid-19” accounts


Feb 19, 2024

BUJUMBURA, February 19th (ABP) – The Speaker of the National Assembly, Mr. Daniel Gélase Ndabirabe chaired on Thursday, February 15, 2024, at the Kigobe hemicycle, a plenary session devoted to the analysis of the audit report on the management of accounts CC13027 and 1110/325 entitled “single common fund for response to Covid-19. »

Responding to questions from MPs, the Minister of Finance, Budget and Planning Mr. Audace Niyonzima indicated that the resources for those accounts came from State subsidies, technical and financial partners as well as funds collected following Covid-19 tests with a view to obtaining travel certificates and authorization to entry into the country.

                                                                                                              View of the MPs

Minister Niyonzima specified that the total amount collected to fight against this epidemic amounted to BIF 58,938,057,944 for account 1110/325 including the expenditure of BIF 25,083,816,566. As for the balance, he specified, it amounts to BIF 33,854,241,378, adding that the total amount of revenue on account CC13027 amounts to BIF 84,971,044,199 over a four-year period.

Regarding the remaining amount, the minister noted that the latter will be used to purchase ambulance-type cars for certain hospitals in need of them.

For double-paid contracts and those that do not have supporting documents, the MPs recommended establishing responsibilities and proceeding with recovery so that they can return to State coffers.

Audace Niyonzima took the opportunity to point out that the use of financial resources collected during the Covid-19 epidemic was positively appreciated by development partners.