• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The holistic development of early childhood, one of the concerns of the Burundian government


Feb 16, 2024

GITEGA, February 16th (ABP) – The Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Communication, Information Technologies and Media, Mr. Ferdinand Manirakiza, chaired, on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, the activities of a validation workshop of the Essential Family Practices (EFP) package.

That workshop aimed to strengthen parental practices for the good development of early childhood in all aspects, said Mr. Manirakiza. He indicated that the implementation of these EFPs will promote the holistic development of early childhood.

Speaking about the activities underlying those EFPs, he cited among others, prenatal and postnatal checkups, complete vaccination, diet, hygiene, medical care, positive and responsible parenting, awareness and early simulation, positive discipline, and preschool education.

As for the Burundian government’s commitment to early childhood development, Mr. Manirakiza recalled the adoption, in September 2021, of the multisectoral national early childhood development strategy (2021-2027), covering all programmatic interventions and taking into account early childhood (0 to 8 years old) with particular attention to the child’s first 1000 days, he said.

Mr. Manirakiza praised UNICEF’s support for the Burundian government and, more particularly, its collaboration in the organization of the workshop.