• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Distribution of maracuja seedlings in Matongo commune


Feb 16, 2024

KAYANZA, Feb 15 (ABP) – As part of the implementation of the government project which invites each household to have at least three maracuja plants, the Burundi Environmental Protection Authority (OBPE) proceeded on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, with the distribution of more than 64,000 passion fruit seedlings.

This activity, which targeted seven villages in Matongo commune, two in Gatara commune and another in Kayanza commune (north), took place in Camizi village, in Matongo commune where those seedlings were produced. Each household received between three and ten seedlings of sweet granadilla, a check by ABP revealed.

In his speech for the occasion, the representative of the OBPE, Mr. Abel Nteziryayo, took advantage of the opportunity to urge the beneficiaries of the seedlings of maracuja to take care of them. The agricultural monitors were, for their part, called upon to supervise the beneficiaries, in order to achieve the government’s vision.

On behalf of the provincial administration, the advisor in charge of development in Kayanza province, Mr. Vénuste Nduwimana, warmly congratulated the OBPE, which thought of this activity. He invited the beneficiaries to take care of them, in order to have the fruits to eat and sell, especially since a sales market is already available.

He recalled that the Matongo commune has a passion fruit juice processing unit and that another is being built in Kayanza commune.