• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Minister responsible for Public Security commends the achievements of the police force in Bubanza


Jan 10, 2024

BUBANZA, January 10th (ABP) – The Minister of the Interior, Community Development and Public Security, Mr. Martin Niteretse, met on Tuesday, January 9, 2024, in Bubanza province (north-west of Burundi), the police working in that constituency to discuss with them any obstacle to the proper implementation of the specifications of that institution, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

The provincial police commissioner, Police Colonel Epitace Gitamira, mentioned among other constraints on police work, the insufficient means of travel for district police commissioners, the lack of accommodation for police officers located at diverse police stations in districts, their well-being and others.

                                                                                                             View of the police based in Bubanza

As for the causes of insecurity observed in recent days, there are notably cases of theft, fraud, assault and battery, refusal to execute court verdicts, sexual violence, torrential rain mixed with wind which destroys houses and fields, Police Commissioner Gitamira has revelead.

The Minister of the Interior, Community Development and Public Security said he was satisfied with the achievements of the police over the past year, especially in keeping peace and tightening security, combating fraud and corruption. He further expressed his satisfaction with the discipline that characterized the police officers and the good collaboration in the quadrilogy.

As the Bubanza province borders DR Congo, Minister Niteretse asks the police to strengthen collaboration and the exchange of information with the other members of the quadrilogy in order to prevent any threat from that neighboring country.

He invites the police authorities to be closer to their subordinates for good supervision. He did not fail to insist on respect for the law and the preservation of discipline. The other appeal to the police is to always be professional in implementing their specifications.

Returning to the constraints to the proper functioning of the police raised during the meeting, Minister Niteretse reassured that the ministry will look into it to find appropriate solutions.

Note that similar trips are planned in all provinces of the country.