• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Participation of the Burundian Ombudsman in contour line drawing work


Oct 4, 2023

CANKUZO, October 4th (ABP) – The Burundian Ombudsman, Mrs. Aimée Laurentine Kanyana, joined the people of Cankuzo province in community development work consisting of drawing contour lines on Muyaga hill in Cankuzo commune.

In her speech, Mrs. Kanyana indicated that such activities are carried out to support the President of the Republic, in his program aimed at fighting for development. She added that contouring protects the soil from erosion and makes it more productive.

Mrs. Kanyana urged the people of Cankuzo to promote agriculture with a view to supplying other provinces, given that the land is still vast in that province. She invited them to align themselves with the government’s program of an emerging country in 2040 and a developed country in 2060, while building peace and tightening security.

She also called on participants in development work to turn a deaf ear to rumors, explaining that they disturb and discourage the population. She also invited them to follow the advice of administrative and community leaders, to contact the Ombudsman institution when conflicts arise, but by following the administrative hierarchy. She took the opportunity to ask them to send their children to school.