• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The presidential couple gave teachings to adults and young people on the 3rd day of the crusade


Jun 27, 2023

BUJUMBURA June 27th (ABP) – On the third day of the crusade, the President of the Republic, Evariste Ndayishimiye, took the opportunity to share lessons with adults at the Maramvya stadium, while the First Lady, Angéline Ndayishimiye, met with the young people at the Green City hotel in the same place.

President Ndayishimiye insisted on love in general and family in particular as well as on the unity of Burundians.

The President of the Republic indicated that Burundian customs differ from those of other countries. There are customs that we want to import while they cannot be practiced in Burundi. He showed that the succession of women is difficult to apply in Burundi.

He indicated that after marriage man and woman become one pulpit. If one of the spouses has not reported it to change, the couple has, as a matrimonial regime, community of property. They must work for their children and fight against poverty.

The Head of State said that it is God who unites the family. Thus, he asked the spouses to love, to understand and to trust each other. He urged them not to waste the family wealth by offering it to concubines. He suggested that they lead the family dialogue, telling the children tales and legends as our ancestors traditionally did. Children identify with their parents and imitate what they do, whether good or bad. The President of the Republic advised the participants to be good family leaders and to unite with God.

                                                              The First Lady, during her teachings to the youth

For her part, the First Lady told the young people that nothing can prevent God’s will from being accomplished. She recommended them to unity, telling them that in the country today there is peace and security thanks to the unity of Burundians.

She invited young Burundians, of all ethnic groups, to change Burundi through good deeds, to be the eye and the ear of the country. Once welded, even Satan will not be able to stand up against us since God will be there, she reassured.

God loves to be respected, understood, praised and followed. Unity based on prayer and respect for God becomes strong. The First Lady recommended to those young people of Bujumbura province to proceed like Solomon, asking for the gift of wisdom and intelligence.