• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Couples are called upon to prioritize dialogue before embarking on any project


Jun 5, 2023

KAYANZA June 5th (ABP) – Disagreements between spouses of Kabarore commune in Kayanza province (north) are among the main causes of divorce, concubine behavior, mismanagement of family assets, suicides and murders between them. This was revealed on Thursday the 1st of June at a meeting which was organized by the Ministry responsible for Gender, for couples whose relationships are not at all good, community leaders and leaders of the nine villages of Kabarore commune.

The envoy of the Minister responsible for Solidarity, David Timmy Terry Hitimana, said that what makes matters worse is none other than the absence of dialogue between the spouses. Thus, he asked the couples who do not get along, today, to put forward the dialogue and to consult each other before carrying out any activity. To community and village leaders, he proposed to closely follow all couples so that there should be no more cases of suicides and murders between spouses, a check by ABP revealed.

The administrator of that commune, Mr. Berchimans Nsaguye, testified that the bad relations between the spouses are at the origin of the cases of assassination and suicide. He said, for example, that a 23-year-old woman consumed the pesticide and passed away, arguing that her husband had sex with other women. Another case he brought up is that of a man who killed his wife. After the work in groups, the men on one side and their wives on the other side, the envoy of the minister in charge of solidarity indicated that the lack of dialogue between the spouses has meant, for years, that there is legal separation in some households. For him, this causes concubine behavior, poor management of the family patrimony, the deterioration of the upbringing of children, and many other consequences. To prevent this phenomenon from happening again, he suggested that the couples present at the meeting promote dialogue and consult each other before doing any other activity. Moreover, he urged them to serve as role models and to teach their neighbors to change their mindsets.

Addressing community and village leaders, Mr. Hitimana recommended following closely and regularly the couples who do not agree to sensitize them to promote dialogue in order to block the way to cases of suicides and of assassination.

The couples benefiting from the teachings, for their part, commended the holding of that dialogue while promising to relaunch relations with their spouses. Note that such a meeting was also organized in Gatara commune of the same province.