• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Provincial workshop for induction of key stakeholders


Mar 29, 2023

CIBITOKE March 28th (ABP) – Within the framework of the ACORD-IPROSARUDE partnership, for the NKURIZA project, a provincial workshop for induction of the main stakeholders and to agree on the approaches and modalities of collaboration, for the implementation of activities, took place from March 23 to 24, in the headquarters of Cibitoke province.

Those are community interventions relating to nutrition among women of childbearing age and children under two years of age, as well as the use of family planning services in the project intervention areas, as well as social and behavior change communication activities.

For the coordinator of the project in the provinces of Bubanza and Cibitoke, Mr. Léonidas Nimubona, all the activities equivalent to more than 7,000,000,000 Burundian francs, will be implemented in accordance with the time limit of 15 months. For this, he reassured that they agreed in front of the donors, the representatives of the project and the Ministry in charge of health, that the forces are there, the experts and the capable facilitators, to get there.

For family planning, the same manager informs the women and young girls who are beneficiaries that they should not worry about the methods and tools to be used. He specified that those are tested and validated at the Ministry in charge of health, and are already in operation, and are implemented by authorized persons.

The coordinator of the ACORD-IPROSARUDE consortium also spoke about the social impact of the project, including activities related to food security, to fight against malnutrition, which is a quick impact activity. Those include the distribution of pigs, goats and rabbits, which will have a social impact on beneficiary households. There will also be very nutrition-sensitive agricultural activities, including the distribution of short-duration seeds, such as fortified organic bean seeds, orange-fleshed sweet potato cuttings, which are short-duration seeds that produce very quickly. Also in relation to family planning methods, it is about activities that will have an impact, combined with social communication for behavior change, he added.