• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The illegal possession of firearms, a reality in Gahombo commune


Feb 27, 2023

KAYANZA February 27 (ABP) – Illegal possession of firearms and small arms is a reality in Gahombo commune of Kayanza province (north), said the provincial official in charge of disarmament in Kayanza, Mr. Sébastien Nyabenda.

He said that the commission he heads continues to discover weapons thrown here and there. To deal with this, he asks the people to get rid of firearms especially as penalties are imposed on illegal holders caught in the act.

According to the provincial official of the national commission in charge of disarmament, the Gahombo commune occupies the 2nd place at the provincial level with regard to the illegal possession of firearms and small arms.

As a reminder, two grenades and an AK47 rifle were discovered last year in Businde village. During the same period, two grenades were found in Mikoni village while two others were discovered in Gahombo village. To all those weapons are added five grenades thrown at the Rukago football field located in Gakuro village as well as small arms and other police and military effects found here and there in the said commune.

To that end, the provincial official in charge of disarmament in Kayanza asks the people to voluntarily hand over the weapons and other small arms in their possession, for their benefit. He warns that Burundian law provides penalties for illegal holders of firearms. It was at a time when during a meeting held on Wednesday, February 22, 2023, the communal administrator of Gahombo, Mr. Sylvestre Ntunzwenayo, recommended to the heads of communal services to sensitize the people to get rid of firearms, especially since the commune is generally peaceful.