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Call for everyone’s contribution in the implementation of provincial development projects


Feb 15, 2023

BUBANZA February 15th (ABP) – The natives, civil servants and inhabitants of the Bubanza province (north-west of Burundi) are called on to give their contribution in the implementation of the provincial development projects, planned for the year 2023.

That appeal was made to them by the governor of that province, Mr. Cléophas Nizigiyimana, on Saturday, February 11, during ceremonies for the exchange of wishes, a check in Bubanza by ABP has revealed.

The provincial development projects that have been mentioned include the continuation of the construction of the modern stadium in the provincial headquarters, the continuation of the construction project of the “Soleil d’Afrique” University Institute, the reception hall housing the bar-restaurant and the swimming pool in Mpanda commune, the development of 9 drinking water supplies, and the development of the place housing the thermal waters located in Mpanda commune.

Governor Nizigiyimana also spoke of following up on the state’s promise to build a regional professional technical center in that province. Other forecasts being sensitization in favor of rabbit livestock, afforestation on all the hills, advocacy for the construction of irrigation channels, the purchase of 400 mattresses for boarding schools in need, as well as the continuation of sensitization in favor of keeping peace and tightening security, he indicated.

He took the opportunity to invite them to take ownership of the implementation of all those projects, which was promised by the leader of the association of natives of that province, Honorable Côme Manirakiza. It is worth noting that those ceremonies of the exchange of wishes were honored with the presence of the minister responsible for communication, native of that province, Mrs. Léocadie Ndacayisaba, and the first vice president of the Burundian Senate, Mrs. Denise Ndadaye.