• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

A person has committed suicide in Bugorora


Jan 31, 2023

MWARO January 31st (ABP) – During the night from Thursday to Friday around 9 p.m., in Bugorora village, Rusaka zone and commune in Mwaro province, Manirakiza Salvator, 50 years old, father of 2 children, committed suicide using a rope in the living room of his house. He was seen for the first time by his wife Niyongere Léocadie, who alerted the village authorities.

Note that his children live in Bujumbura. The reason for the suicide is not known because the entourage said that he had no problem with his neighbors.

The Judicial Police Officer of Rusaka commune went to the scene to make the finding. Thorough investigations have begun to uncover the motive.