• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Visit by the Minister of Education to Mwaro province


Jan 31, 2023

MWARO January 31st (ABP) – The Minister of National Education and Scientific Research François Havyarimana brought together, on Thursday, January 26, 2023, the heads of services working in the education sector in Mwaro province.

It was within the framework of the continuation of trips that members of the Burundi government are making in all the provinces of the country.

The lack of textbooks in the 4th level and in technical education, the lack of teachers in trade schools, questions related to the redeployment of teachers, the salary of watchmen, these were questions raised by the chief of staff in the office of Governor Athanase Ciza. Other concerns included classrooms that were destroyed by the wind, suspension from work and claiming a job bonus.

Minister Havyarimana indicated that the issue related to the lack of textbooks is known, even in other provinces and that the government is at the service to find the solution.

In addition, he underlined that the government plans to multiply trade schools and reduce general education schools. According to him, trade schools facilitate the graduates to self-develop. For teachers who have been redeployed, Mr. Havyarimana called on them to make that decision as a permanent assignment. Regarding the salary of the watchmen, he said that he will forward the matter to the hierarchical authorities and asked them to work well while waiting for a solution. On that occasion, he appealed to watchmen to avoid sabotage of school property due to salary.

Mr. Havyarimana warned managers who embezzle watchmen’s fees, adding that those fees will be deducted from their salaries.

In boarding schools, he asked officials to use land that belongs to them to help in the catering of students. For schools that have not yet awarded diplomas in the previous years, a two-month period has been granted to them. After this time, there will be no registration for the next academic year.