• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

City Council administrative officials are called upon to denounce drug traffickers in their neighborhoods


Dec 22, 2022

BUJUMBURA December 22nd (ABP) – The Mayor of the city of Bujumbura, Mr. Jimmy Hatungimana, met the urban people of the Gituro and Socarti quarters of the Ntahangwa commune, to collect their grievances and concerns, in accordance with the recommendation made by the Head of State, inviting the governors of the provinces to host public conferences.

Taking the floor, the inhabitants of the Gituro neighborhood indicated that there is insecurity caused by traffickers and drug users, for instance, the booster. They explained that the consumers of those narcotics become thieves whether in households, in shops, in the market and in other places. They added that their neighborhood is a gathering place for thieves from all neighborhoods, zones and communes of Bujumbura city. They deplored the fact that some drug traffickers and users already brought to justice, are released as if it were a misdemeanor (small offense). They believe that some legal professionals are corrupt.

Apart from drug use, the inhabitants of Gituro also reported a large number of sex workers living in that locality and even around the North station where the protocol road passes. According to them, that category of people also constitutes a threat to security. Another failure raised is that of the poor distribution of BRARUDI products and BUCECO cement.

                                                                                                      View of the participants

For all those grievances, the mayor of the city of Bujumbura replied that the leaders of the ten households and the leaders of the neighborhoods are asked to properly inform the communal commissioner, by identifying anyone who deals in drugs and even known consumers, which cause insecurity, to see the strategies to put in place in order to eradicate that scourge. He warned the administrative officials who refuse to denounce the drug dealers in their neighborhoods, stressing that they will be punished and even dismissed. The joint security committee is also invited to redouble its efforts to see how to clear up issues related to drug use.

For the presidents of the courts and tribunals of Ntahangwa commune, they are asked to no longer consider drug trafficking and consumption as a misdemeanor, explaining that drug consumption destroys the lives of young people, the Burundi of tomorrow.

The administrative officials and the police are also called upon to identify all the prostitutes in order to know their provinces of origin and return them to their native provinces. Those native to the city of Bujumbura will be arrested to do chores for more than a week to see if they can give up that bad behavior. For BRARUDI products and BUCECO cement, he asked the administrative officials to properly coordinate the delivery and distribution of those products.

On the side of the inhabitants of Socarti, which is a land property of the State, they reported some of them have already benefited from plots in Maramvya of Mutimbuzi commune to move. Others are still waiting. However, there are those who have had plots in Maramvya but have not yet moved. They also denounced administrative officials who arrogate to themselves the permission to sell plots of Socarti.

For all the concerns of the inhabitants of that locality, the mayor of the city recalled that the State has a project to build 25 buildings of social housing in that quarter. He did not forget to point out that whoever bought a plot in the Socarti neighborhood lost their money, because it is State land property and no one has permission to sell State property.

For the inhabitants that have not yet had plots to move, he first asked those who have information about the plots already allocated, those sold, and those who have had plots but who have stayed, to meet the mayor of the city, to be able to make a report that will allow decisions to be taken to properly manage the situation.