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The President of the Republic of Burundi received in audience a French delegation


Dec 9, 2022

BUJUMBURA December 5th  (ABP) – The President of the Republic of Burundi, Evariste Ndayishimiye received in audience on Friday, December 2, 2022, a French delegation led by Mr. Christophe Bagot, Africa-Indian Ocean Director of the Ministry for Europe and of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic, as part of the follow-up to a meeting that President Evariste Ndayishimiye had with his counterpart Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic, on the sidelines of the “Francophone” community summit in Gerban, Tunisia.

After that audience, the President’s spokesperson, Mr. Alain Diomède Nzeyimana told the press that the President of the Republic thanked President Macron who was quick to put his words into action, given that it was recently that he had promised to send a team to Burundi to materialize what they had agreed.

According to Mr. Nzeyimana, the conversation focused on the fact that France will support the efforts of the government of Burundi in education and agriculture, but also peacekeeping efforts in eastern DR Congo. He added that President Ndayishimiye told him that the Burundian people are hardworking and that the efforts of the French government will not be in vain. The two will work closely together, he stressed. He also announced that the French teams will work with the teams of the sectoral ministries and they will spend a week in Burundi and we hope that they will come up with something concrete, he ended.