• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Signing of the framework plan for cooperation for sustainable development between the government of Burundi and the United Nations systems


Dec 9, 2022

BUJUMBURA December 6th  (ABP) – The Prime Minister, Mr. Gervais Ndirakobuca and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation, Mr. Albert Shingiro on the one hand and the resident coordinator of the United Nations systems in Burundi, Mr. Damien Mama and the representatives of the various United Nations agencies including FAO, OIM, WHO, WFP, UN AIDS, UN Women, UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF on the other hand, proceeded on Saturday December 3, 2022 in Bujumbura, to the signature of the framework plan for cooperation for sustainable development between the government of Burundi and the United Nations systems for the period 2023-2027.

In his speech, the Prime Minister specified that this cooperation framework plan will serve as a common roadmap, so that Burundi’s development partners support Burundi in a cohesive, collaborative, effective and efficient manner.

For the government of Burundi, he said, this efficiency should result in a visible impact in all sectors of activity and in a positive transformation of the living conditions of the Burundians, without leaving anyone behind. He also indicated that this framework plan aims to achieve a more prosperous, inclusive and resilient Burundian society by 2027.

The latter was structured and developed on five pillars including the establishment of inclusive and sustainable food systems, the strengthening of governance and a more diversified and inclusive economy, the strengthening of the social protection system so that it meets the needs of all, equitable and quality access to basic social services for all, sustainable management of the environment and enhanced resilience to the impacts of climate change and other shocks.

Mr. Ndirakobuca did not forget to specify that all the stakeholders will have to work in a united manner, and under the leadership of the government of Burundi, in the implementation of this cooperation framework plan. He called for the involvement of civil society, public and private universities, parliament, the private sector, bilateral and multilateral partners, in order to best harness strengths and work in unison.

Regarding its implementation, the Prime Minister said that we are waiting to see all the promises it contains come to fruition, for Burundi and its people, in particular those who find themselves in a situation of vulnerability or marginality. such as internally displaced persons following the various shocks inherent in natural disasters. He also mentioned refugees, adolescents, children, young people, women, girls, the elderly and members of the Batwa community as well as disabled people.

According to him, they also expect the emergence of a modern agro-food sector, creating decent jobs and integrated into the regional economic fabric, a diversified economy that includes other wealth-creating sectors. He cited tourism, health systems, education, supply and access to drinking water and electricity, with a view to achieving an emerging Burundi by 2040.

For the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation who coordinates that project, he proposed that to facilitate the implementation of this document, all the ministries should set up cells in the form of a task force, in order to then think of setting up projects according to the five results declined in this concept and on which, the spirit of that one is based.

As that work will require deep knowledge in strategic planning and many other related sciences, he requested the support and accompaniment of the United Nations through adequate training, in order to be up to the task. These same partners are also asked to support the government of Burundi in the choice of new partners who could probably sign contracts that will enable the Burundians to face different types of shocks, starting with the recovery of recurring challenges such as climate change, food insecurity and many more.

The resident coordinator of the United Nations systems, Mr. Damien Mama, also indicated that the implementation of this framework plan will have to favor multi-partner and multi-sectoral approaches in the development of programs and projects perfectly aligned with the framework plan of cooperation, the mobilization of resources including new type financing to achieve the objectives of the PND 2018-2027 and the SDGs.