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Health personnel are called on to be concerned with the life of patients


Oct 17, 2022

RUTANA October 17th (ABP) – Health personnel should be concerned with the health of patients above all else, and should follow patients closely to save their lives in danger, said the governor of Rutana province Mr. Olivier Nibitanga, during a meeting he held on Friday, October 14, 2022 in thee headquarters of the province for heads of hospitals and health centers in Rutana province.

During the meeting, Mr. Nibitanga reminded them that responsibility, punctuality and good reception of patients must characterize them in order to offer quality service to their customers who confide in them.

Particular emphasis was placed on staff working at night, where they were reminded that they do not have to leave their patients for telephone conversations or to go to their homes even though they are very close to their workplace.

The leader of Rutana province deplored the fact that there are cases of health personnel taking ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF), which was intended for the treatment at home of malnourished children from six months to five years old, to sell them to shopkeepers in the vicinity of hospitals. He warned them that those caught in that error will be severely punished.

Regarding the case of patients who do not receive an ambulance to rush to the hospital in case of illness and necessity, when having already paid for that service, he invited health officials to work closely together for the people to have access to that service in real time, since they have the right to do so.

During the discussions, the medical director of the health province of Rutana, Dr. Joachim Barakenguza, raised the issue of the practice of uvulectomy which is a surgical operation consisting in removing the uvula (Ikirimi). That clandestine practice kills many children these days in Rutana province.

He asked that the administration help the health facilities in sensitizing parents for the eradication of that practice, and in inflicting sanctions on those who do it.

Mr. Nibitanga appealed to the staff of health facilities in Rutana province to be responsible and to respect the hierarchy in terms of transmitting information, or solving problems.