• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Provisional acceptance of the track linking the RN12 and the communal office of Giheta


Oct 9, 2022

GITEGA October 9th (ABP) – The communal administrator of Giheta in the province of Gitega (center of the country) Mrs. Micheline Ninahaza provisionally received, on September 30, 2022, the track connecting the RN2 (Bujumbura-Gitega road) and the communal office rehabilitated by the NGO Oxfam. She warmly thanked this organization for responding spontaneously to the call of the communal administration in its pleading for the rehabilitation of this road infrastructure which was in a state of total disrepair.

She said that the residential houses located all along that road threatened to collapse from that track under the effect of erosion. The chief of staff of the provincial governor, Mr. Gérard Nibigira expressed his thanks to Oxfam for its close collaboration with the province of Gitega, before asking the communal authorities of Giheta and the population of that commune to properly maintain the track in question. As for the representative of the organization, she indicated that the rehabilitated track extends over a length of 2.2 km, before specifying that its cost is estimated at nearly 400 million BIF. She promised a retouching of certain activities before final acceptance.

The director general of the civil protection police and president of the national platform for risk prevention and disaster management, General Brigadier, Mr. Anicet Nibaruta also praised Oxfam’s interventions, arguing that it works alongside Burundi in risk and disaster prevention. He also returned to the need for the maintenance of this track and therefore recommended that the population avoid plowing on the banks of the infrastructure. That practice could cause landslides that could lead to the clogging of the gutters, he explained.

To the municipal administration, he recommended to scrupulously ensure that the road infrastructure in question does not fall back into impassability.