• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Mining fraud is a reality in Kabarore commune


Oct 9, 2022

KAYANZA October 9th (ABP) – Mining fraud towards Rwanda has been noticed many times in Kabarore commune of Kayanza province (north) since the beginning of the current year until the beginning of October. These are the details of the communal administrator of Kabarore, Mr. Berchimans Nsaguye who indicated to the ABP that the perpetrators involved in this despicable act were sentenced to various penalties while the minerals seized were made available to the wooden floor.

According to Mr. Nsaguye, 112,350 kilos of minerals were seized in transit to Rwanda since January of the current year until the end of last September. For him, the seizure of all this quantity of minerals results from the information that the population has continued to provide, from which he encourages him to continue on that same path.

As for people who are still driven by the bad habit of practicing mining fraud, the communal administrator of Kabarore suggests that they change mentalities, especially by avoiding transporting Burundian minerals to Rwanda. He warns that fraudsters no longer have a place in Kabarore commune and that the administration will never give them free rein.

Very soon, it will be the turn of all the fraudulent coffee seized in this same commune destined for Rwanda.