• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Provisional release of 26 pre-trial detainees at Bururi prison


Sep 1, 2022

BURURI August 29th (ABP) – The Attorney General at the Court of Appeal of Bururi, Emmanuel Iradukunda has provisionally released 26 defendants in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Republic.

He pointed out that the released defendants committed minor offenses and with light incriminating elements. He added that generally it is routine work that prosecutors perform while stressing that they will have to appear each time they are summoned, their cases being in the pre-jurisdictional phase.

Prosecutor Iradukunda asked them to behave well, to respect the administrative authorities and to integrate well into the community because, he added, the interests of the victim are also taken into consideration.

Note that although a small number of inmates has just released space, Bururi prison is still packed with a high number. Indeed, out of a capacity of 250 people, this remand center currently houses 359 prisoners, including 241 defendants and 118 convicts, as well as three infants.