• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Seisure of 65 kg of parchment coffee in Kabarore commune


Jul 12, 2022

KAYANZA July 12th (ABP) – The police operating in Kabarore commune of Kayanza province (north), hiding at Karama hill, saw the night of 6 to 7, two people who were at the edge of the Kanyaru river bordering between Burundi and Rwanda. The police tried to arrest them but in vain because, according to the communal commissioner of the police in Kabarore, they fled towards Rwanda by crossing this river. As an observation, the two people were carrying 65 kg of parchment coffee. For the moment, the seized coffee is in the hands of the communal administration of Kabarore.

The communal commissioner in Kabarore as well as the communal administrator, Mr. Berchimans Nsaguye, ask the inhabitants residing at the Burundian-Rwandan border, to denounce constantly and in real time all the presumed fraudsters so that they are apprehended.