• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

More than three kg of coltan and one kg of cassiterite have been seized in Kabarore commune


Jul 6, 2022

KAYANZA July 6th (ABP) – The Kabarore communal police station in Kayanza province (north) carried out, on the afternoon of Monday, July 4, 2022, a search at Uwimana Adrienne’s home in Kivuvu village. As a result, the police seized 3.2 kg of coltan with a scale that was used in mineral fraud.

In addition, a measure called a separator that distinguishes landfills and real ores was also discovered there.

The communal commissioner in Kabarore, as well as the communal administrator, Mr. Berchimans Nsaguye, ask the inhabitants residing at the Burundian-Rwandan border to denounce constantly and in real time, all the alleged fraudsters to track them down and bring them to justice.

Still in the same commune, the police arrested in the same village, at the night of July 3 to 4, a certain Victor Nyabenda, aged 27, in possession of a kilo of cassiterite. The seized items are currently in the hands of the police operating in the area, pending their transfer to the communal administration of Kabarore. In the same way, the alleged fraudsters are in the hands of the police for investigation of the file.