• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Objects that were going to be fraudulently sold in Rwanda have been seized in Kabarore commune


Apr 21, 2022

KAYANZA April 21st (ABP) – The police operating in Kabarore commune of Kayanza province (northern Burundi) in collaboration with the joint security committee, seized, in the early morning of Tuesday April 19, 2022, in the Manga village, 75 kg of cherry coffee in transit to Rwanda.

Following the darkness, the fraudsters managed to escape. In the same commune, the same day in the afternoon, in Ryamukona village, the police also seized 60 rolls of electric wires and a box of 72 pieces of beauty products, Movit, in the direction of Rwanda. The perpetrators fled to Rwanda.

The communal administrator of Matongo, Mr. Berchimans Nsaguye, and the communal police commissioner, ask the people residing near the Burundian-Rwandan border to remain vigilant in order to intercept and block the way to fraudsters. They warn that they will never give them free rein and that those who are apprehended will be punished in compliance with the law.

Still in the fight against fraud, the police of working in Kabarore commune, hiding on the banks of the Kanyaru river on the Burundian-Rwandan border, seized on Wednesday morning, in Karama village, 40kg of peeled coffee in transit to Rwanda.

Trying to escape, the fraudster threw himself into the Kanyaru River for Rwanda, the communal police commissioner in Kabarore told a check by ABP.

Note that all the objects seized are in the hands of the communal administration of Kabarore.