• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Burundian ombudsman calls on Burundians to invest in the development of their provinces of origin


Apr 5, 2022

KAYANZA April 5th (ABP) – The Burundian ombudsman, Mr. Edouard Nduwimana, in the company of the Beninese mediator Mr. Essou Noudokpo Pascal Esnos and the governor of the Bank of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Jean Ciza enhanced with his presence the inauguration ceremonies of the site of thermal waters in the locality called “Ku Mahoro” in Kabarore commune of Kayanza province (northern Burundi).

That site was developed by members of the Association of Native Officers of Kayanza (ACONAK), and the latter are made up of soldiers and police. Shortly before this activity, they visited the building that will house the three-level provincial office being finalized and the Rwegura tea complex in Muruta commune, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

In his speech, the legal representative of ACONAK, Colonel Oscar Nzohabonimana, indicated that this site has been developed with a view to making it more attractive because previously it was a place characterized by dirt coming from the hills. overlooking the Kibira nature reserve.

For him, this site of the thermal waters of “Ku Mahoro” will increase the economy because, he said, the surrounding population now has a place that will allow them to sell their handicrafts.

“The Kayanza province in particular and the country in general will benefit from taxes and foreign exchange,” he added. Mr. Nzohabonimana took the opportunity to point out that ACONAK has other related projects including the development of royal tombs (Inganzo z’abami) located in Muruta commune.

In turn, the Burundian ombudsman, Mr. Edouard Nduwimana warmly thanked the native officers of the province for their firm commitment to the development of their native province. He took the opportunity to challenge other Burundians working in different fields to follow in their footsteps.

Greeting those who were present at these ceremonies, the Beninese mediator Mr. Essou Noudokpo Pascal Esnos expressed his feeling of satisfaction and promised to come back to bathe in those thermal waters.