• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Governor of Bubanza is satisfied with the contribution of MPs to development


Apr 4, 2022

BUBANZA April 4th (ABP) – The MPs elected in the constituency of Bubanza joined, Thursday, March 31, the inhabitants of the Mpanda commune (north-west of Burundi), in community development work, consisting in the paving of two classrooms of ECOFO Rubira, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

Mr. Olivier Suguru, speaking on behalf of the other parliamentarians elected in the constituency of Bubanza, said that those elected representatives of the people have appropriated the development of their province for the well-being of the inhabitants.

For the continuation of the construction of this basic school of Rubira, he contributed with 50 bags of cement. For its part, the “IRAGI Foundation” of which Suguru is the legal representative, granted a donation of 260 desk benches to seven schools, including six in Mpanda commune and one in Gihanga commune. He invites pupils and teachers to take good care of these desks and other equipment that various parliamentarians have donated to the various schools. He also called on the inhabitants of this province to organize themselves into self-development cooperatives, as well as to safeguard peace and security. Note that on this occasion, the association “Abuzukuru ba Sogokuru Turashoboye” gave a contribution of 25 bags of cement.

As for the governor of Bubanza province, Mr. Cléophas Nizigiyimana, he is delighted with all the contributions of the parliamentarians on vacation, and asks the other natives and inhabitants on the spot, to follow in their footsteps. Mr. Nizigiyimana also invites his followers to fight laziness and to think instead of development projects for their households and the country. He advises them to already think about family planning in order to cope with the scarcity of arable land. Concerning the concern of the inhabitants of the Rubira village regarding the lack of electricity, he promises to plead for them. Note that the parliamentary recess ended on Thursday, March 31, 2022.