• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Persistence of loincloth fraud in Buganda commune, near the border with the DRC


Jan 14, 2022

CIBITOKE January 13th (ABP) – Twenty loincloths of Congolese origin were seized during the night of January 11 to 12, around 11 p.m., in Ruhagarika in Buganda commune, by the police in collaboration with members of the joint security committee.

Three people namely Ciza, Ruvyogo and a named Richard, would be the owners of these goods. They are pursued by the police, after having managed to take off, according to well-informed sources.

The said seizure occurred a few hours after another seizure of packages of plastic bags, carried out in Nyamitanga in Buganda commune, which operation made it possible to get hold of several hundred plastic bags.

The trafficker of these bags was arrested and brought to the headquarters of Buganda commune for questioning. The administrative and police officials encourage the members of the joint security committees for more collaboration, in order to eradicate fraud and smuggling, on the border of Cibitoke province with the DR Congo.