• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Towards a synergy of actions for sustainable socio-economic development


Nov 16, 2021

GITEGA November 15th (ABP) – Representatives of administrative authorities and provincial and communal technical services, local NGOs as well as those of cooperatives and agro-pastoral associations of the Gitega province met on Thursday, November 11, in the work of the day of provincial mobilization on their undeniable part in the establishment of provincial and communal platforms for food security and nutrition.

                                                                                                                     View of the meeting participants

The work of that day of mobilization organized by the permanent executive secretariat of the multisectoral platform for food security and nutrition, Mr. Célestin Sibomana, was opened by the governor of Gitega province, Mr. Venant Manirambona in the company of a representative of the Prime Minister, Mr. Arcade Hatungimana.

These speakers focused their messages on the call from administrative and technical officials and private, provincial, municipal and local authorities to strengthen their synergy of actions in the multisectoral coordination of food and nutritional security at the local level in favor of socio-economic development.

In his speech, Mr. Hatungimana invited the various development actors at the provincial and municipal level to take ownership of the actions of the provincial and municipal platforms so that they take the lead in their implementation. He said the government will spare no effort to support the implementation of these platforms.

For his part, Governor Manirambona specified that the objective of this day is to mobilize provincial and municipal administrative and technical officials on the new dynamic of the multisectoral integrated approach and especially on the establishment of deconcentrated and decentralized structures of the multisectoral food and nutrition security platform.

That will make it possible to strengthen multisectoral coordination of food and nutrition security at the local level and to discuss the functionality of these structures. He meant that the provincial and communal platforms are important structures for strengthening local coordination of food and nutrition security.

Indeed, he explained, nutritional problems are multifactorial and therefore require an integrated multisectoral response.

The exchanges of that day were centered on the relevance of the improvement of food and nutritional security through the integration of systems namely health, agriculture, water supply, hygiene, sanitation, education and social protection. They have not forgotten cross-cutting themes such as gender, governance and resource mobilization.

In turn, the permanent executive secretary of the multisectoral platform for food security and nutrition, Mr. Sibomana highlighted the ultimate need for effective multisectoral coordination of the various development actors to improve food and nutrition security.