• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Discussions on the management of the irrigated perimeter of Cibitoke


Nov 12, 2021

CIBITOKE November 11th (ABP) – The office of the governor of Cibitoke province (north-western Burundi), in collaboration with the Provincial Bureau of Environment, Agriculture and Livestock (BPEAE) of Cibitoke and the Federation of Irrigation Water Users Associations of the Imbo Plain of Cibitoke (FAUEI), organized since Tuesday November 9, at the Mwarangabo hotel located in the headquarters of Cibitoke province, a two-day discussion meeting, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

Four themes were developed by FAUEI officials, followed by discussions. Those are the management of the irrigated perimeter of Cibitoke, the management and distribution of irrigation water, the upkeep and maintenance of hydro-agricultural infrastructure, and the collection and management of water charges, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

                                                                                   View of the meeting participants

For the FAUEI chairman, Mr. Charles Ntuko who made the first presentation, he indicated that there has been an improvement in the management of the irrigated perimeter of Cibitoke and in the functioning of the associations of water users. irrigation system (AUEI), after their supervision by the Union for Cooperation and Development-Support to the Rural World (UCODE-AMR) financed by PAIOSA.

Nevertheless, he raised the problem of reluctance in the payment of royalties among some officials, unlike beneficiaries with minimum means and exploiting small areas.

In addition, FAUEI officials and irrigation water users also raised the issue relating to the multiplication of fish ponds while the irrigated perimeter was only intended for agriculture on more or less 3000 hectares benefiting more than 4,700 families from the two communes of the Imbo plain, namely Buganda and Rugombo.

Irrigation water users have also denounced the threats to hydro-agricultural infrastructure by some farmers and by isolated cases of cattle violating the permanent housing measure.

The governor of Cibitoke, OPC1 Carème Bizoza, on that occasion, urged the participants to contribute to find solutions to the issues of the management of the irrigated perimeter, the distribution of water and the maintenance of hydro-agricultural infrastructure.

All the speakers proposed the establishment of the list of users of this water and that of people who do not want to pay the royalties so that the administration is involved in the collection in order to break with the policy of two points two measures. This will allow a good maintenance of these infrastructures, the increase of the agricultural output and the development of the population and the province.

Note that the crop calendar has not been forgotten in those discussions for the proper use of water for the benefit of all users of the said perimeter.