• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Verification of documents for plots in Maramvya zone


Oct 28, 2021

BUJUMBURA October 28th (ABP) – The conflicts resulting from the acquisition of plots in the Maramvya zone of Mutimbuzi commune, Bujumbura province (western Burundi) could find solutions, the administrator of that commune told a check by ABP on Tuesday, Mr. Siméon Butoyi.

According to him, a commission composed of agents of the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock and those of the Ministry of the Interior, Community Development and Public Security has been at work since Monday. October 25 to verify the authenticity of the documents for the allocation of plots in that zone.

According to the permanent secretary at the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock, Mr. Emmanuel Ndorimana, the verification will only be done outside the peasantry. Each purchaser will have to stay on his parcel and will show the original documents. The members of the communication team will check whether it is true or false papers and will give the report to whom it may concern in order to take the necessary measures.

As a reminder, some plots were amputated from the State domain, others were sold to several people, with the complicity of the administrative officials, it was specified, indicating that the time has come for the government to decide between those people and restore people to their rights.