BUJUMBURA August 24th (ABP) – The President of the Republic of Burundi and current President of the East African Community (EAC) Evariste Ndayishimiye received in audience the Secretary General of the EAC Peter Mutuku Mathuki on Tuesday August 23, 2022 in Ntare House.
At the end of the hearing, the spokesperson for President Alain Diomède Nzeyimana indicated that this host had come to make an assessment of the first month at the head of the EAC of President Evariste Ndayishimiye.
Alain Diomède Nzeyimana reported that, in his speech on the occasion of his appointment as head of the EAC, President Evariste Ndayishimiye announced some priorities, starting with peace and security in the sub-region. When the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) became a member of the EAC, the goal that the EAC set itself was that no EAC country be out of order, said spokesperson Alain Diomede Nzeyimana. She is then doing everything to ensure that the 2023 elections in the DRC take place in a peaceful climate.
In the same speech, he added, President Ndayishimiye prioritized youth and women’s projects. The EAC General Secretariat is currently preparing the youth summit scheduled for December 2022 during which young people from EAC countries will meet in Burundi or elsewhere and will exchange with the President of EAC Evariste Ndayishimiye.
Regarding women, President Ndayishimiye would like, as happens during the African and UN summits, that the First Ladies of the EAC take advantage of the EAC summits to meet in order to discuss and see if the projects developed in their respective countries cannot be integrated at the EAC level.
The two senior personalities also spoke about the issue of infrastructure development, in particular the construction of the railway and roads so that the movement of goods and people from one country to another within the EAC is easy. A road will start from Bujumbura towards Uvira-Bukavu and Goma in the DRC.
Finally, they mentioned the fact that French and Kiswahili are becoming official languages of communication within the EAC.