NGOZI March 28th (ABP) – Concubine women will no longer have a place in households in Ngozi province after April 30, 2024. That declaration is from the governor of that province Désiré Minani.
According to that authority, administrators at the base have until April 30 to track down and remove cohabiting women from all the houses they occupy with their cohabiting partners. The campaign has already started. Couples in illegal unions have until June 30 to regularize their marriages. For the men who withdraw, the governor indicated that the administration will refer to the rigor of the law. They will be forced, according to him, because they transgress the Personal and Family Code and are the basis of social insecurity and endless conflicts that we observe in households.
Governor Minani lamented that more than 1,300 households were recorded as living in illegal unions. In addition, he stressed, parents have the obligation to register their children in the birth register. The latest late birth registration campaign organized by the governor showed that many children are not registered because more than 28,000 children were registered for a period of two weeks. Governor Minani is also categorical on that subject and points the finger at fathers who refuse to recognize paternity for their children.