• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Closing prayer of thanksgiving organized by the presidential family


Jun 29, 2024

MWARO, June 29th (ABP) – The three-day prayer of thanksgiving organized by the presidential family in the province of Mwaro (west-central Burundi) to mark the fourth anniversary of the inauguration of the President of the Republic, Evariste Ndayishimiye, ended on Saturday 22 June, according to local sources.

In his prayer for the nation, the Head of State, surrounded by the country’s leaders, representatives of religious denominations and a large crowd of Burundians, reiterated his gratitude to God for the protection of Burundians, the maintenance of peace and security, and the abundant agricultural production during his four years in office. He praised the social cohesion that characterizes the Burundians.

President Ndayishimiye also thanked the people of Burundi in general and the leaders in particular for who had been at his side throughout the period of prayer. He expressed his appreciation for the hospitality shown by the people of Mwaro Province.

The people of Mwaro thanked the presidential family for choosing their province to hold that prayer on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of President Ndayishimiye’s inauguration.

Burundi’s number one concluded his speech by asking for God’s grace for the fifth year of his presidency.

                                Women from Mwaro line up with baskets as gifts for the president’s family

The people of Mwaro Province presented the presidential family with six cows, sheep, chickens and many baskets of food.

Shortly before the closing ceremony, Burundi’s First Lady, Angélique Ndayishimiye, held a meeting with the country’s leaders, urging them to work for the kingdom of God instead of clinging to wealth.

In her teaching, Mrs. Ndayishimiye gave advice to her audience. If you pick a rose, you have to be careful of the thorns that surround it, the same applies to life, which she said is full of problems. The rose is life, the thorns are the problems,” said the First Lady of Burundi, who urged everyone to trust in the Lord for divine blessings. She urged the leaders to strengthen charity.