• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The power cut drags down the activities of the general migration police station


May 10, 2024

BUJUMBURA, May 8th (ABP) – The Commissioner General of Migration, Mr. Maurice Mbonimpa organized, Friday May 3, 2024, in Bujumbura, a press conference to answer questions from journalists in relation to the activities of the said police station.

The journalists present at that press conference asked questions about the slowness observed in the granting of travel documents, corruption as well as the change of appointments.

Concerning the slowness observed in the granting of travel documents, Mr. Mbonimpa said that that is due to the incessant power cut which causes the migration services to waste time while they produce those documents. He also revealed that his police station faces the problem relating to document applicants who use false documents to complete their files, particularly full identity certificates, national identity cards and residence certificates.

He therefore clarified that their files are being side-lined. He warned that those who use false documents that are not issued by the administration will be brought to justice.

He took that opportunity to warn what he called “a parallel administration” which produces those false documents, inviting the population not to entrust their files to fraudsters because, once caught, they are punished by law.

Regarding corruption, the Commissioner General of Migration specified that that phenomenon was reduced to 99% when the General Commissioner of Migration introduced digitalization to request travel documents. He stressed that there are people who are distracted and who trust in social networks like Facebook and others and who have been deceived by scammers. He asked those looking for travel documents to be vigilant, calling on them to denounce those people who carry out that type of scam.

Regarding the change of appointments, he indicated that there is a service at the police station, responsible for questions related to the change of appointments, indicating that if such a case arises, that service must be used. to find out the next appointment.

Commissioner Mbonimpa finally asked the population to be patient because the applicants for travel documents exceed the reception capacity.