• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Solemn opening of the “open house” day, 2024 edition, at MAECD


May 10, 2024

BUJUMBURA, May 7 (ABP) – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation (MAECD) organized on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at Bujumbura town hall, an “open house” day, 2024 edition, under the theme “The role of economic diplomacy in the implementation of the vision Burundi emerging country in 2040 and developed in 2060″.

In his welcome address, the mayor of the city of Bujumbura, Mr. Jimmy Hatungimana, welcomed the holding of this activity in the city of Bujumbura. He specified that the theme chosen for this day is in line with the legitimate ambitions of the hard-working and responsible government (Reta mvyeyi, reta nkozi) which aims to improve the well-being of the Burundian population.

On this same occasion, the resident representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Mr. Mathieu Ciowela, indicated that Burundi, like other developing countries, needs a strong and effective partnership to address the challenges of emergence. In this regard, he underlined, economic diplomacy is essential in the realization of vision 2040 which also devotes its fifth pillar to fruitful partnership.

                                                                                                                          View of the participants

The UNDP stands ready to support the strengthening of the institutional capacities of the DFATD in order to continue to provide it with the necessary technical and institutional means enabling it to accomplish its sovereign missions, declared the UNDP resident representative.

In his speech for the occasion, the Minister of DFATD, Mr. Albert Shingiro, indicated that the theme of this “open house” day is timely and appeals to everyone. Furthermore, he continued, it is for the DFATD to affirm its commitment and its avant-garde role, as an institution which serves as an interface between development partners and the Republic of Burundi, in the effective implementation of the 2040-2060 vision.

While some say this is an ambitious vision, Mr. Shingiro reassured that it is achievable. This is the reason why everyone must put their hands to work to make their small contribution to the edifice currently under construction, and no one must stay behind in this mega project to which all Burundians attach great importance, he insisted.

According to Minister Shingiro, Burundi’s 2040-2060 vision is structured around 22 objectives affecting specific aspects of sectoral ministries. Regarding DFATD’s focus on this vision, he revealed that DFATD will be more oriented towards Goal 22 which mobilizes partnership for development and the diaspora.

As the Head of State continues to say, Minister Shingiro recalled that the success of this vision will result from the capacity of Burundians to maintain a favourable environment which can guarantee the peace and stability of their country.

As a future outlook, the head of MAECD indicated that Burundi will spare no effort to strengthen, cement, tone up and further diversify its relations of friendship, fraternity and cooperation with traditional partners, and at the same time to carry out an all-out diplomatic offensive to seek mutually beneficial and respectful partnerships.

Note that this activity, organized for its sixth edition, was marked by presentations on different themes which contribute to the success of the vision of Burundi, an emerging country in 2040 and developed in 2060.