• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The ministry in charge of public security denies false reports of the kidnapping of two people


Mar 29, 2024

BUJUMBURA March 28th (ABP) – The Burundian ministry in charge of public security on Tuesday denied false information spread through social media, reporting the kidnapping of two people. According to the spokesperson for that ministry, Mr. Pierre Nkurikiye, those are two people who had gone to Rumonge province to look for work in restaurants, specifying that they were found in the same commune.

Pierre Nkurikiye also deplored another form of crime where criminals pose as passengers to take the lives of car taxi drivers, thus inviting the latter to be extra vigilant. He also urges residents of the city of Bujumbura to alert the national police as quickly as possible when such cases occur.

Concerning the National Liberation Council (CNL) party, the spokesperson for the ministry in charge of public security said that in recent days people have been observed circulating documents and audio messages that utter threats against certain authorities in the country. The ministry spokesperson asks them to pull themselves together, otherwise they will be punished in accordance with the law.