• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The European project to support the culture sector in Burundi has ended


Mar 29, 2024

BUJUMBURA March 28th (ABP) – The Ministry of East African Community Affairs, Youth, Sports and Culture in partnership with the European Union closed on Tuesday March 26, 2024, the European project to support culture sector (PASACC-Burundi), which lasted three years, for young entrepreneurs and cultural operators.

The Minister in charge of culture, Mr. Gervais Abayeho, indicated in his speech that the PASACC project had the objective of contributing to socio-economic development and the consolidation of peace in Burundi, through the promotion of culture. That objective was generally achieved, because the activities undertaken by the said project marked very significant visibility in the country, he affirmed.

Indeed, he pointed out, PASACC-Burundi has mobilized over the last three years, artists and creators, cultural entrepreneurs and cultural professionals in three provinces, namely Bujumbura, Ngozi and Gitega. That project was the first large-scale initiative undertaken by the EU in Burundi, as part of the development of cultural and creative industries as a source of wealth and development of the value chain.

                                                                                        View of participants

He also underlined that “No one is unaware that culture plays a preponderant role in the quest for happiness and most often, it is made more lasting and alive by youth”, while affirming that in Burundi, cultural development in all aspects, is in line with the effective implementation of the recommendations of the Head of State, who made youth issues the priority of the Government.

Mr. Abayeho appreciated the quality work accomplished in such a short time by the PASACC team since the start of its activities in Burundi in April 2021, stating that that team has demonstrated unwavering commitment and dedication.

He also underlined that culture today represents one of the most dynamic sectors of the world economy with a significant contribution to the gross national product (GNP) of rich and emerging countries. He recalled that the Burundian number one recommended that a national campaign to detect the talents of young people in the field of culture and sport be undertaken, so that talented young people are identified and supervised from an early age because, young having talents contributes significantly to the socio-cultural development of the country, he stressed.

Even if PASACC-Burundi has achieved remarkable results during its period of existence, it also faces numerous challenges to raise the Burundian cultural sector to the rank of great creative, producing and exporting nations of goods and services. culturally competitive regionally and globally. Although PASACC has favoured direct interventions towards artists and cultural operators, the ministry should be more involved so that direct support is channelled to the neediest, in that case the Burundians, Minister Abayeho hoped. He also insisted on the strengthening of cultural policy instruments or even the creation of new tools in order to give culture the place of choice in sustainable development and in regional and international integration.

According to the Director General of Africalia, Mrs. Dorine Rurashitse, thanks to the results and activities that have been implemented, we have an ecosystem that is more strengthened. She said that they were able to support 22 cultural and creative businesses in the provinces of Bujumbura, Ngozi and Gitega. Those companies received modules in business coaching, cultural and creative entrepreneurship and mentoring. Today, she said, they are operational and have a business plan. They were able to renew and implement prototypes, products and works of the cultural service which are available. She further indicated that they supported 329 people in managerial, technical and artistic strengthening. Those people are active in cultural structures which have allowed them to strengthen their practice of implementing projects to support artists and technicians.

Through the mobility grants, Mrs. Rurashitse said that they encouraged the launch of a network, shared with others on the way of working. In that case, she hopes that most of the partners resident in Burundi will intervene so that the culture sector takes the path. She called on them to always support Burundi so that it shines throughout the territory but also internationally so that the country is at the heart of a rich, diverse and more real artistic scene which contributes to development. socioeconomic.