• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The First Lady of Burundi paid a visit to the Gitega obstetric fistula treatment center


Mar 21, 2024

GITEGA March 21st (ABP) – The First Lady of Burundi and president of the Bonne Action Umugiraneza Foundation, Mrs. Angeline Ndayishimiye, on Monday, March 18, delivered various aid to the obstetric fistula treatment center in Gitega (central Burundi).

It was during a visit that she made to that center, as part of the obstetric fistula operation campaign organized from March 10 to 21, 2024, with the support of doctors specializing in obstetrics and gynecology. That medical team was negotiated by the association of women of the Burundian diaspora in the United States of America.

The aid mentioned above consisted of clothes, hygienic equipment, food, sewing machines, medicines, etc.

The First Lady of Burundi thanked international organizations, namely UNFPA, UNDP and WFP, as well as the female staff of the Presidency of the Republic of Burundi for the contributions they gave so that the campaign could – said to be crowned with success, she said.

Similar thanks were also given to the medical team from the United States of America. Mrs. Ndayishimiye extolled its benefits and encouraged her to move forward.

            First Lady presents gift to Dr Mamta M Mamik for her contributions to the fight against obstetric fistula

To close her remarks, the First Lady of Burundi provided advice to women suffering from obstetric fistulas. She invited them to seek treatment, arguing that that disease is medically treatable.

Previously, the doctor director of the obstetric fistula treatment center had praised the initiatives of the First Lady of Burundi, testifying that thanks to her, patients at the obstetric fistula treatment center are hospitalized and fed free of charge.

Speaking on the center’s achievements,

Dr Manirambona said that he has, to his credit, 3,400 women already treated. As for the vision of the center, it advocates zero cases of obstetric fistula, he indicated, specifying that we recommend that all women have good health to join the rest of the Burundian population in the achievement of an emerging Burundi in 2040 and developed in 2060.