• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

China continues to share its experience with the outside world


Mar 11, 2024
BEIJING, March 11 (ABP) – The People’s Republic of China spares no effort to share its experience with the outside world through various press conferences hosted by different China’s personalities, as part of contributing to building a community with a shared future.
Around a hundred foreign journalists who have been in China since late February 2024 on the invitation of the China International Press Communication Center (CIPCC) through the China Public Diplomacy Association (CPDA), had the opportunity to take part in those press conferences organized on the sidelines of the opening of the “Two Sessions ” (the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and the National People’s Congress).
In those various press conferences, China’s personalities spoke on questions posed to them by Chinese, international and foreign journalists in relation to the country’s economy, job creation, the role of the United Nations (UN) in international affairs, China’s cooperation with the rest of the world, Artificial Intelligence (AI), well-being and livelihood, technology and digitalization, health, education, to name but a few.
Asked how to ensure that AI truly evolves in a favorable direction for progress and human civilization as well as China’s position on cooperation with major countries on AI, China’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi first pointed out that in October 2023, the President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, put forward the global initiative for AI governance in which China’s position and proposal are clearly presented.

                                                                        View of the journalists
Minister Wang Yi estimated that three points must be guaranteed, namely the benefits where AI must develop continuously for the common well-being of all in accordance with the ethics and international law regulations and in the direction of the humankind progress, security where risk assessment and control plans are necessary, as well as equity while creating an international AI institution within the framework of the UN and ensuring equal participation and access for all countries.
China is open and supportive of cooperation with other countries on AI and has already established dialogue mechanisms, Minister Wang Yi said, highlighting that cooperation with major countries on AI is of paramount importance, without forgetting to build the capacities of developing countries with a view to leaving no country behind.
For his part, Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng recalled that the training of new quality productive forces is a major theoretical innovation by General Secretary Xi Jinping for China’s overall modernization drive. He added that there is need to improve the education system to train new talents and top innovators in the country.
According to that person in authority in the education sector, to develop new quality productive forces, a large number of top innovators are needed. “ We must have our own education system in China to cultivate talents in our country, so that we can give everyone the chance to shine to bring happiness to the people and give everyone the opportunity to contribute to national development ”, clarified Minister Jinpeng, while pointing out that they will consolidate basic education and science education based on explorations, without forgetting to better connect basic education to higher education and set up a mechanism linking all stages of schooling.
“ We will encourage different universities to expand their advantages and focus on basic disciplines and other subjects that are highly need by the country, including basic sciences and engineering. We will also focus on the training of doctors and scientists, also very important for social and economic development that integrate the education sector and the industries ” stressed Education Minister Jinpeng, concluding that the training of talents is not only important for people’s livelihood, but also for the long-term development of the country.
The Director of the National Disease Control and Prevention Administration, Wang Hesheng, was delighted with the fact that under the strong leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), they have made honest efforts and eliminated malaria in 2021, a disease that has affected the Chinese people for thousands of years, and that a group of diseases, including tuberculosis, AIDS, hepatitis B and C and schistosomiasis among others, have been brought under effective control. He promised that they will continue to honestly apply health-related instructions and decisions.
For her part, the Minister of Human Resources and Social Security, Mrs. Wang Xiaoping, promised to continue to improve the quality and efficiency of public services by relying on policies that are beneficial to the people. The human resources and social security departments will continue to focus on meeting the urgent needs of the public, improving the quality and efficiency of government services and providing a better experience for the people, without forgetting to use the digital technologies to deliver services in a rapid manner.
Housing and Urban-Rural Development Minister Ni Hong quoted General Secretary Xi Jinping as saying that beautiful cities are built by the people and for the people. He reassured that they will continue to put the people at the center to meet their needs and to attach great importance to policies that are in line with the realities of the moment, in order to carry out concrete actions.

                                                    View of the young traditional musicians
Foreign journalists who are in China at the invitation of the CIPCC were also immersed in Chinese culture through participation in the Beijing-Hangzhou National Youth Orchestra Concert. There were talented and well-trained young people, who play traditional musical instruments with an incredibly harmonious melody, an eloquent sign that China has kept the important elements of its culture intact.