• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

China calls for equal participation in international affairs


Mar 10, 2024

Beijing, March 10th (ABP) – The People’s Republic of China advocates equal participation of many low- and medium-income countries in international affairs, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told the press during a press conference that he hosted on Thursday the 7thMarch 2024, in relation to the international community and cooperation among countries.

Minister Wang Yi was responding to a question posed to him by a reporter from the China Global Television Network (CGTN), who wanted to know China’s view on the role of the United Nations (UN) in international affairs and its views on reform and development of the UN, given that certain great powers seek to circumvent it.

China has always believed that there is only one international system, that centered on the UN; that there is only one international order, that based on international law; that there is only one regulator of international relations based on the goals and principles of the United Nations Charter and that no country could impose itself on it, Chinese diplomat Wang Yi highlighted.

“But many global challenges and crises that have hit us in recent years continue to warn us that the role of the UN must be strengthened and not weakened, and that its place must be reserved and not replaced,” he said Minister Wang Yi, noting that since its inception, 70 years ago, the UN has gone through all kinds of challenges and suffered the impacts of the politics of the strongest.

The Chinese diplomat also pointed out that China is among the first countries to sign the United Nations Charter. It is the third largest financial contributor to the UN and to peacekeeping operations, he added.

According to him, the UN also needs to get in tune with the current times, to reform and constantly improve itself to adapt to the new reality of international economic policy, without forgetting to ensure the participation of developing countries.

                      View of the journalists at the press conference

Major countries must in particular assume their responsibilities and ensure that the UN and its Security Council better fulfill their duties to more effectively consolidate international consensus, mobilize global resources and coordinate global action.

Minister Wang Yi said that to address the development gap, China is actively working to advance the Global Development Initiative (GDI), with a view to contributing to the implementation of the United Nations sustainable development agenda, by 2030. China supports the UN in organizing the future summit with a view to reaching a pact that is beneficial for all, he stressed.

He pledged that China is ready to work with the international community, support the continued development and improvement of the UN so that the organization, based on the international rule of law, while respecting justice and equity, implementing win-win cooperation principle and ensuring the effectiveness of action, brings true multilateralism.

It is worth noting that foreign journalists continue to learn from Chinese experience in various fields.