• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Presentation of the Senate strategic plan 2023-2027


Mar 2, 2024

BUJUMBURA March 2nd (ABP) – The President of the Senate Emmanuel Sinzohagera presented Tuesday, February 27, 2024, to the partners for the development of Burundi, the strategic plan of the Senate 2023-2027.

Mr. Sinzohagera indicated that the voting of laws, the control of government action and the representation of the people are the main constitutional missions entrusted to the Senate. To fulfil those missions, he specified, the Senate has a strategic plan which will be used on the dashboard in order to avoid visual navigation.

He indicated that the Senate’s strategic plan is structured around six axes. Those are the development of the institution, the improvement of the legislative function, the improvement of the representation of the people, the control of action, the development of the parliamentary communication strategy, as well as the promotion of gender and youth.

The overall budget for the implementation of that strategic plan is estimated at 189,628,749,000 BIF or 63,209,583 USD, of which the Senate’s share in the implementation of the latter is 32,500,000,000 BIF or 10,833,333 USD, equivalent to 17% of the overall budget, he reported. He noted that the development of that plan will allow the institution to situate itself in the present through the conduct of an inventory of the needs for strengthening skills and equipment, to project itself into the future through defining a medium-term strategy, identifying clear objectives to be achieved by 2027, and setting priority actions to achieve the expected results. That plan will serve not only as a programmatic framework but also as a tool for mobilizing internal and external resources, with a view to enabling the institution to successfully accomplish its missions.

According to the President of the Senate, the implementation of that strategic plan will be the most important in the realization of the national vision, of an emerging Burundi in 2040 and developed in 2060. In terms of the principle of reciprocity, the Burundian Senate will do its best to consolidate and perpetuate the good relations of friendship and cooperation existing between partner countries and Burundi, he said. The Senate is also determined to contribute to the fight against poverty, drug use, youth unemployment and child malnutrition, he announced. In closing, Mr. Sinzohagera asked the participants to take ownership of that strategic plan so that success is beneficial.

SL: abp end/ek March 2024