• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Presentation of the achievements of the year 2023 and exchange of wishes for the New Year 2024


Mar 2, 2024

CIBITOKE March 2nd (ABP) – The office of the governor of Cibitoke province (northwest of Burundi) organized on Sunday February 25, in the capital of the province, a meeting of natives and residents of the province to present the achievements of the year 2023, future prospects and exchange wishes for the new year 2024.

Prime Minister Gervais Ndirakobuca, a native of the same province, participated in that party which brought together many natives, some senior executives of the country, administrative officials, heads of services and friends of the province.

In his speech, the Prime Minister praised the governor’s presentation on achievements, which touched on all sectors of life and gave clear answers to questions from participants. The Prime Minister called on the inhabitants of his native province to preserve peace and security, especially on the borders with the two neighboring countries in conflict, Rwanda and the DR Congo. To avoid any opening to the enemy, he invited the inhabitants of Cibitoke to collaborate and share all information, but also to combat any possible rumors. He challenged the natives to love work, to make their own the national vision of a Burundi country emerging in 2040 and developed in 2060. He took the opportunity to congratulate all the staff of the Provincial Directorate of Teaching (DPE) Cibitoke for the first place recently won in the state exam. As encouragement, he promised the DPE a printing machine capable of running all the standard exams throughout the province.

In his presentation of achievements during the year 2023, the governor of Cibitoke province, Mr. Carême Bizoza, said that security is good throughout his province.

Nevertheless, he raised isolated cases of theft on the ground and in households, as well as cases of fraud on the common border with the DRC with, for example, livestock seized in Buganda commune heading towards the DRC, which made it possible to bring nearly 32 million Burundian francs into the public treasury.

Speaking about different sectors, he pointed out the low performance of municipalities in his province over the last six months, with low budget execution rates. Those include execution rates of 8.3% for Buganda commune; 6.9% for the Bukinanyana commune; 3.1% for Mabayi commune, 11.1% for Mugina commune; 7% for the Murwi commune; and 10.1% for the Rugombo commune. After the planning, the budget did not follow following the reforms carried out in that sector, explained Governor Bizoza.

Note that after the presentation of the achievements followed by questions and answers, the natives of the Cibitoke province, around the Prime Minister, shared prepared food and drinks, for the exchange of New Year 2024 wishes.