• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Report of the half-yearly achievements of the Ministry in charge of National Education, from July to December 2023


Feb 9, 2024

BUJUMBURA, February 9th (ABP) – The Minister of National Education and Scientific Research, Mr. François Havyarimana, organized a press briefing on Thursday February 8, 2024 to present the achievements of his ministry during the first half of the 2023/2024 financial year.

In his presentation, Minister Havyarimana divided those achievements into two main objectives, namely developing an efficient education system consistent with national needs and international standards, and strengthening research for development.

As part of the development of an efficient education system in line with national needs and international standards, Mr. Havyarimana indicated that various actions have been carried out. He cited, among other things, the development of reception infrastructures and equipment, the production of educational materials and supports, the integration of children and adolescents outside of school, the staff capacity building, educational supervision, rehabilitation of academic infrastructure and their equipment, as well as the quality of higher education.

Regarding the development of reception infrastructure and equipment, Minister Havyarimana announced that 4,648 benches have been allocated to schools. Also, 11 Biochemistry laboratories were equipped in post-basic schools at a time when 57,356 textbooks were produced by the Pedagogical Production Authority.

As part of improving school indicators to reduce school dropouts, 407,322 schoolchildren of were rationed through school canteens, while 2,921 teachers were recruited to fill the schools’ shortage of teaching staff.

At the level of higher education, Minister Havyarimana reported that 9,390 candidates of the post-basic education for the years 2022 and 2023 were enrolled in the first year in public universities, including UB, ENS and INSP. To promote technical education and vocational training, the Minister in charge of National Education specified that 914 graduates were monitored and supervised within the framework of professional integration. However, a trade skills competition called the “Umwuga Award” was organized for the candidates of the craft training centers, with the support of ENABEL.

To a question asked by a journalist about the project of rehabilitation work on the premises of the University of Burundi which has not yet started, Mr. Havyarimana declared that this work should be carried out by the Burundi Urban Planning, Housing and Construction Authority (OBUHA) in last year’s Budget. However, following the overload of work in that Authority, the ministry in charge of National Education had to wait, he said, revealing that this work will begin next July.