• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The sale of coal is a boon for those who carry it out in Bujumbura


Jan 24, 2024

BUJUMBURA January 24th (ABP) – Coal traders in the Nyakabiga III district, Nyakabiga zone in Mukaza commune of Bujumbura town hall, say they are satisfied with the sale of coal, we learned on site Friday January 18 2024.

On 7th Avenue in the said district, people flock to the coal sales site, looking for that product that is so important in everyday life.

Mr. Ezéchiel Niyonzima, a trader who sells charcoal, says that selling charcoal is a good job that provides him with income. He has been in that sector for 10 years, he says, specifying that he opted for that profession after seeing that that product is essential in Bujumbura town hall. “I received a lot of things from the sale of coal, including the construction of my own house,” he says, noting that that job provided him with financial stabilization for his family.

However, there is no shortage of difficulties in that work, he affirms, deploring that the coal comes from provinces far from the city of Bujumbura, such as Makamba, Gitega, Bururi and sometimes even in neighboring countries such as Tanzania, which causes coal prices to rise in the event of a fuel shortage. He makes a vibrant appeal to people who remain asleep to wake up and create their own jobs to combat the unemployment that is currently manifesting itself.