• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Towards improved food security


Jan 24, 2024

RUYIGI January 22nd (ABP) – The permanent executive secretary of the multisectoral platform for food and nutritional security in Burundi, Dr Célestin Sibomana, calls on people to join forces and knowledge in the fight against malnutrition and the sustainability of security eating.

He made that call the day after a descent carried out by members of the SEP/PMSAN in Ruyigi (eastern Burundi) to inquire about the food security situation prevailing in that province.

According to Dr Sibomana, there is still much to do to improve food security in that province. That authority winked at the population, specifying that we should not neglect the current orientations of the country’s authorities which encourage citizens to raise rabbits and other small ruminants. Even for those who practice agriculture and other professions, he reminds that they must join forces to better advance in development.

Those breeding increases household income, he reported, stressing that from that income, families buy nutritional supplements on the market to balance the diet of children and young people who are at the age of psychological, mental and physical growth.

To those who have not yet understood it, he indicates that no authority, nor anyone else, will come and do it for them.

For the people of Ruyigi in particular, he points out the growth delays which appear in certain communes, among children, and which are due to latent malnutrition despite the low presence of diseases characteristic of pronounced food insecurity, such as than kwashiorkor.

Furthermore, he continues, those growth delays will have a negative impact on the mental, psychological, intellectual and physical faculties of future adults in society. It therefore calls on everyone to take concerted, combined and controlled action to achieve Burundi, an emerging country in 2040 and a developed country in 2060.

To authorities in all sectors and at all levels, Dr Sibomana asks to always plan their actions and above all focus on innovation aimed at encouraging and motivating the population to better adhere and act in that fight, and serve as an example by supporting words for their actions.