• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

ONPGH condemns the massacres of 20 people at Vugizo in Gatumba zone


Dec 29, 2023

BUJUMBURA, December 29th (ABP) – The chairman of the National Observatory for the Prevention and Eradication of Genocide, War Crimes and other Crimes against Humanity (ONPGH), Mr. Jean de Dieu Mutabazi, issued, on December 26, 2023, a press release to condemn the massacres of 20 people which occurred at the night of December 21 to 22, 2023, in Vugizo sub-village, Gatumba zone of Bujumbura province.

It was reported through that press release that the ONPGH wanted to join the President of the Republic of Burundi, the Government, political parties, and civil society, national and international opinion to unreservedly condemn the crime against humanity, which took away innocent people, the majority of whom were women and children, as well as 9 people seriously injured.

He asks the Burundian justice system to use all its power to carry out investigations with a view to identifying and punishing all those who bear any responsibility in that crime of mass atrocities of a terrorist nature, which recalls the one who was committed in 2018, in Ruhagarika village, Cibitoke province.

According to the said press release, the ONPGH asks the entire Burundian population, in all its ethnic, religious and political diversity, to further strengthen its social cohesion, continue to further consolidate the hard-won peace, by working closely with the police and administration. He ended his remarks by wishing a speedy recovery to the injured.